Thursday, 21 June 2007

Submit Your Site to 380+ Directories for Free!

Todays find is a great piece of free software called Directory Submitter, released a couple of weeks ago by Brad Callen, the guy who produced SEOElite. Unlike most software solutions out there, Directory Submitter doesn't automatically submit your site. Instead, you create a "Project".

Each project contains your website, title tags, keywords, description, and contact details. The software is able to list each directory by a range of options. The most useful probably being Google PageRank.

On the version I tested today, the max PageRank site is 6, followed by about 20 at 5, and loads at 4, continuing down (eventually) to 0.

Once you select your chosen directory (individually) it opens the page within the software's inbuilt web browser and fills in all the details for you (according to your selected project information), leaving you to enter any visual verification text and the category your site falls into.

Due to this method of registering your website, directories will not (or should not be able to) list your site as a spam attempt. The only automation is field text, everything else is manual meaning your method abides by what is generally seen as the "legal way to submit a link".

So whilst it is still time consuming, it will save you significantly more time than if you were to do this process entirely manually, and atleast this way you know it's not risky like the automated bot submissions.

This is a highly recommended product.

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